
Aileen Michelle

Helping Creatives make huge progress and finish their creations :D I offer online co-working for the artsy and adhd to help with focus and accountability! All while I am beside you in the trenches working on my own projects! Weekly emails for my online co-working schedule and quarterly updates for my own path as an artist. I also offer stories :D

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Why do we even have creative projects? Week 12 🤩

Hello my amazingly creative friend Reader, it's time for this week's Cafe sessions! This Weeks Action Step For Success: Is that the sounds of spring break and spring cleaning I hear? This time of the year is a great time for a reset to get ready to grow! Let's set ourselves up for success internally this time and remind ourselves why we're here: Find a pen & piece of paper and answer these 2 questions in big letter sizing. Why did you start this project?(Whatever the reason is, even if you...

Reader, seems like technology got between us! I've only just realized that this weeks email never sent. But that's okay because I got to have some solo time with the cafe. Today and tomorrow's (Thursday) cafe is the final Creative Cafe session for a while. Going on an indefinite hiatus! I have my surgery on September 30th but have doctor appointments, wrapping up project appointments, physical therapy, and my own birthday on the 29th so I will be working around all of that and won't have any...

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Reader, let's celebrate! We are embarking on a new adventure! I would like to start hosting a weekly wins column in these emails :D Writing down your accomplishments and acknowledging your achievements is a really great way of keeping yourself moving forward. As someone who wrote 300k+ words, I can attest to how much documenting your progress truly helps with finishing a creative project! Anytime I had doubts, I had evidence that my doubts were just craziness. I would LOOOVVVEEE to know your...

a close up of a game board

Reader, let's start again. If you're new, WELCOME! I'm excited to be accountability buddies and help each other finish our creative projects :D If you're a veteran, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO YOUR CREATIVE PROJECTS! You will find this week's schedule in this email, but also, if you haven't already heard of everything going on that affects the Creative cafe, please check out this video: Let's keep moving! My Goal's this week: After a long several weeks of health craziness and diagnosis and...

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Well Reader... I found my way back! Long story short, a wizard I trusted laid an epic fantasy curse on my health, I wandered into the forest of despair, met an undead fairy, and now I found my way back and know what my quest is! ONWARD! You can hear the real life version of the whole story here in my latest YouTube video: (Also, please feel free but not pressured to subscribe to my YouTube channel! It's one free way to give back support to your fellow Creative :D ) What's happening with the...

I'M GOING ON VACATION Reader! When are you? This Weeks Action Steps For Success: In an act of self care, my fiancé and I are staying at a friends house by the beach. We needed a vacation but also needed to not spend money to do it. Our budget initially told us "No vacation!" but sometimes we have to stand up for our self care and find a way. And that's what we did, and that's what I would like you to do. As a Creative, it is very important that you take care of yourself. Mind, body, and...

Hihi Reader! Get ready for Creative Success :D, but first... The Creative Cafe's FIRST EVER Mixer... IS ON HOLIDAY!!! Due to low engagement with date polling, the mixer IS INDEFINITELY POSTPONED... *GASP* But don't worry! It's just until more demand for the mixer comes back! I know summer time can be A LOT so maybe it's not the best time. And that's totally okay! We'll all eventually find a date to party, have fun, and celebrate each other and our accomplishments together <3 Trust me... one...

Aloha Reader! QUICK, I NEED YOUR HELP! The Creative Cafe's FIRST EVER Mixer To make sure I choose a date that works best for the most amount of people... Pretty please let me know what dates work for you with this handy dandy poll :D Mixer Date Poll If you find that the dates and/or times don't work for you, just let me know in this email or message me privately on FB or IG. This Weeks Action Steps For Success: Pretend you're journey towards finishing your creative project is some big...

Howdy Reader! I've got tons of updates to share with you for The Creative Cafe :D It's time we groupified our little collective of Creatives!!! :D That's right, we are FINALLY going to have a place outside of the open cafe hours to be able to connect and share! Click the facebook icon below to get linked to The Creative Cafe's private facebook group! The group is especially great if you have trouble making it to sessions! You'll be able to keep us all up to date on the progress, struggles,...

Do you hear that Reader? This Weeks Action Steps For Success: The bells of success are heralding all you've accomplished in this first half of the year!!! If you haven't already, take stock of EVERYTHING you've accomplished!!! (Yes even the small stuff!) This is the final week of Q2 and the first half of the year. This is the BEST time to recommit to those new years resolutions you made for your projects. This time, let's keep our ambitions AND take into account our schedules and what level...

Reader, can you hear the waves? This Weeks Action Steps For Success: Summer is just about here and as the seasons change, so do our needs! I would love to know how your needs have changed for summer time. And remember, even if you can only work on your project for 15 minutes, that's progress! Do you need:- shorter work periods for your project? - different times now so you can enjoy day activities?- a bigger 1 day a week marathon? - socializing with Creatives for it to feel summer fun?- a...