The Creative Cafe is closing indefinitely. Come say goodbye! [week 38]

Reader, seems like technology got between us!

I've only just realized that this weeks email never sent. But that's okay because I got to have some solo time with the cafe.

Today and tomorrow's (Thursday) cafe is the final Creative Cafe session for a while. Going on an indefinite hiatus! I have my surgery on September 30th but have doctor appointments, wrapping up project appointments, physical therapy, and my own birthday on the 29th so I will be working around all of that and won't have any time to open the cafe!

And for the future, I don't know when after my surgery I will be ready but I'm choosing to not pressure myself by picking a date of re-opening. And who knows, I might have an epiphany that keeps the cafe closed forever *dun dun duuuuunnn*

Soooo, I hope you join me on Thursday to say goodbye to the Creative Cafe and make your creative strategy plans for life without it!

Thank you so much to everyone who has participated and made this a wonderful experience :D You are the cream of the crop!

How to support me through my 1.5 years of major surgery:

Aaaaaand, if you're wondering how to best support me during my health focused time, please subscribe to my youtube channel :D I won't be able to work for the next 1.5 years due to all the surgery and physical therapy I have to do.

Why does this help? Well, once I reach 1,000 subscribers then I can start making some money from my videos! This will be sooo helpful for the lack of income situation I will be in.

With 1 more subscriber I will be 9% of the way to my goal of 1,000 subs by the end of 2024. And with 11 subscribers I'll be at 10%!!!

Thank you to every single person that has subscribed <3 As Creatives it's so important to support each other so the normies can find our work easier!

With that said, PLEASE let me know how I can support yooouuuu!!

Last Weeks Wins:

  • 2 new members joined the cafe. That's 2 whole creatives that made the decision to find something that works for completing their creations!! HECK YEAH!! (also sorry about the timing with my surgery!)
  • A nameless Creative just finished her 2nd draft, HOLY SMOKES!! I hope to be in her shoes by the end of this year!!!
  • I found my notebook that I took aaaalll my notes in for my book as I was writing. I thought it was lost so this is a huge win for me :D
  • Another nameless Creative moved on to semi finalist round :D GET IT!!

So happy for all these reported wins. But I also know there are some non reported wins going on and to those I say YOU'RE DOING SO GREAT OMG!!!

Remember, if you'd like your wins featured here, with or without your name then just fill out this form:

My Goal's this week:

  • Finish collecting ALL my notes in one organized strategy document
  • [for the next month]: Start my edit for draft 2 and maybe get a quarter of the way through notes? Too much? We'll see!

Your Goal's this week:

Well, I can't read your mind...yet *insert spooky music*

I would LOVE it if you either emailed me your goals or posted your goals in the Facebook group!

"Writing down your goals is like traveling north with a compass. It helps, ALOT."

Creative Cafe's Hours of Operation

2024 WEEK 38 of 52
All sessions are 2 hours in length unless otherwise noted.
*But you can show up for however long/short you can!*

Please make sure to differentiate between the - and the & for times.

Cafe Updates:
If you haven't already heard of everything going on that affects the Creative cafe, please check out this video:

video preview

Tired of being a lone Creative?

How about you join our shiny new Facebook group! We're all waiting to welcome you and support you on your creative journey <3 Come on in!

^^^^Click for FB group :D

Tired of adding dates manually? Add the Cafe to your digital calendar!

Making the boring parts of your life easier and automated is just another step to having more time to focus on your art 🤩


Check out the heavy duty FAQ at the bottom of this page:

Or just hit reply with your questions :D

Aileen Michelle

Helping Creatives make huge progress and finish their creations :D I offer online co-working for the artsy and adhd to help with focus and accountability! All while I am beside you in the trenches working on my own projects! Weekly emails for my online co-working schedule and quarterly updates for my own path as an artist. I also offer stories :D

Read more from Aileen Michelle
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Reader, let's celebrate! We are embarking on a new adventure! I would like to start hosting a weekly wins column in these emails :D Writing down your accomplishments and acknowledging your achievements is a really great way of keeping yourself moving forward. As someone who wrote 300k+ words, I can attest to how much documenting your progress truly helps with finishing a creative project! Anytime I had doubts, I had evidence that my doubts were just craziness. I would LOOOVVVEEE to know your...

a close up of a game board

Reader, let's start again. If you're new, WELCOME! I'm excited to be accountability buddies and help each other finish our creative projects :D If you're a veteran, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO YOUR CREATIVE PROJECTS! You will find this week's schedule in this email, but also, if you haven't already heard of everything going on that affects the Creative cafe, please check out this video: Let's keep moving! My Goal's this week: After a long several weeks of health craziness and diagnosis and...

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