P-A-R-T-Y? CUZ WE GOTTA! Soooo many updates you wont want to miss!!!

Howdy Reader! I've got tons of updates to share with you for The Creative Cafe :D

It's time we groupified our little collective of Creatives!!! :D

That's right, we are FINALLY going to have a place outside of the open cafe hours to be able to connect and share! Click the facebook icon below to get linked to The Creative Cafe's private facebook group! The group is especially great if you have trouble making it to sessions! You'll be able to keep us all up to date on the progress, struggles, and triumphs of your projects!!! We will also celebrate you and your progress LIKE CRAZY!!

^^^Facebook Group^^^

Really hope you join in and get that extra level of accountability, connection, and fun <3

The Creative Cafe's


Mark your calendars fellow Creatives, on Friday July 19th at 8pm EST (unless everyone fights me on the time lol) we are having our first ever social mixer!!!!

Bring your favorite drink, dessert, pet, family member, friend, blanky, and/or outfit for a night about the digital town that the Creative Cafe lives in!

The night shall be filled with:

  • Celebrating AALLLL your wins! (dance party anyone?)
  • Games (creative and non creative!)
  • Introduce your project as if they were your best friend!
  • "Never have I ever" creative edition :D
  • Creative Mad Libs Story Time!
  • Break out rooms to get to know another creative even more!
  • Suggestion box o'clock!

And music, fun, and dancing obviously!!! SO excited to see ya'll there <3 :D

Here is the google meet up link, but don't worry, I'll be sending other emails out later.

The Creative Cafe was featured in my first ever YouTube Video!

Skip to 4:45 for The Creative Cafe feature! Now it's even easier to share The Creative Cafe with your friends :D

video preview

Also, please feel free but not pressured to subscribe to my YouTube channel! It's one way to give back free support to your fellow Creative :D

This Weeks Action Steps For Success:


The third Quarter of the 2024 is upon us! Are you wondering where the year has gone? INTO THE HISTORY BOOKS MY FRIEND!!! And this quarter will also go into the history books at some point.


I want you to take 15 minutes from your day (maybe a poop break?) and take a look at your handy dandy Calendar. Look at the months of July, August, and September. How's your schedule look? Do you have more time than you thought to dedicate to your creative project? Or is it less time?

With this info, devise your top 3 - 5 goals for the next 3 months!

Here are mine:

  • Q3: Finish my Developmental Editing Notes
  • July: Finish my short film & begin submitting to film festivals.
  • Go to writing panels during Dragon Con & promote The Creative Cafe!
  • Post 1 Youtube video a month


  • In your calendar book the open time slots you'd like to dedicate to your creative project. (you can share this with me if you need accountability)
  • Reply to this email with your goals for the months of July, August, and September (or put it in the facebook group :D)

Creative Cafe's Hours of Operation

2024 WEEK 27 of 52
All sessions are 2 hours in length unless otherwise noted.
*But you can show up for however long/short you can!*

Please make sure to differentiate between the - and the & for times.

Tired of adding dates manually? Add the Cafe to your digital calendar!

Making the boring parts of your life easier and automated is just another step to having more time to focus on your art 🤩


Check out the heavy duty FAQ at the bottom of this page:

Or just hit reply with your questions :D

Aileen Michelle

Helping Creatives make huge progress and finish their creations :D I offer online co-working for the artsy and adhd to help with focus and accountability! All while I am beside you in the trenches working on my own projects! Weekly emails for my online co-working schedule and quarterly updates for my own path as an artist. I also offer stories :D

Read more from Aileen Michelle

Reader, seems like technology got between us! I've only just realized that this weeks email never sent. But that's okay because I got to have some solo time with the cafe. Today and tomorrow's (Thursday) cafe is the final Creative Cafe session for a while. Going on an indefinite hiatus! I have my surgery on September 30th but have doctor appointments, wrapping up project appointments, physical therapy, and my own birthday on the 29th so I will be working around all of that and won't have any...

video preview

Reader, let's celebrate! We are embarking on a new adventure! I would like to start hosting a weekly wins column in these emails :D Writing down your accomplishments and acknowledging your achievements is a really great way of keeping yourself moving forward. As someone who wrote 300k+ words, I can attest to how much documenting your progress truly helps with finishing a creative project! Anytime I had doubts, I had evidence that my doubts were just craziness. I would LOOOVVVEEE to know your...

a close up of a game board

Reader, let's start again. If you're new, WELCOME! I'm excited to be accountability buddies and help each other finish our creative projects :D If you're a veteran, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO YOUR CREATIVE PROJECTS! You will find this week's schedule in this email, but also, if you haven't already heard of everything going on that affects the Creative cafe, please check out this video: Let's keep moving! My Goal's this week: After a long several weeks of health craziness and diagnosis and...